The honey we sell passes honey DNA test successfully

Pealtnägija 11.12.24 examined the situation of the Estonian honey market. 

A new DNA test developed by researchers in Tartu to distinguish a fake from the real thing is one of Estonia’s biggest scientific achievements of the year. Two months ago, 55 jars of honey from different producers were purchased from Estonian supermarkets for the experiment, and tested with this DNA test.  

It was good to see that the Estonian honeys met the requirements and were genuine honey in all but one of the samples.  The situation was bad with foreign honey, there were many counterfeits.

We also included 3 of our products in the sample and it’s good to see that all of them passed the test and are genuine honeys.

Mesi plastpakendis 500g

Mesi hõbedase kaanega klaaspurgis 500g

Kodu Mesi 1000g (EU)

Reference to article and consignment: